See a dress of Kendall's that you like? What about Taylor? Do you dare to want a dress worn by Erica Kane? Now here's your chance.
Throughout the month of March, the female cast members of ALL MY CHILDREN will be wearing clothes from the national retailer New York & Company. "The versatility and style of their collection will not only enhance the day to day fashions of our diverse cast of characters, but also afford our audience the opportunity to find the fashions they see on ALL MY CHILDREN in the New York & Company stores throughout the country," explains executive producer Julie Hanan Carruthers in a statement. Yes, what that means is you can dress like Kendall Hart Slater (Alicia Minshew) or Taylor Thompson (Beth Ehlers) or Erica Kane (Susan Lucci). Select items will be on sale through ABC.com, simply click on the "Shop" button then go to the "SeenON!" section of the AMC page.
For more info on purchasing ABC items, click: SEEN ON TV or ABC.COM
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