Includes: a day on the set of All My Children in NYC and lunch with Susan Lucci. Valid for 2 people, for one year, based on availability.
Susan Lucci is certainly worthy of her well-known title as "Queen of Soap Operas". She has been nominated for countless Emmy Awards and is the recipient of an Emmy as well for her performance of Erica Kane on All My Children. Now, this famed actress is offering a once in a life time opportunity for the Rosie For All Kids Foundation Auction. Enjoy a day on the set of All My Children with this daytime Television Queen, Susan Lucci. In addition to a set visit, you will get the opportunity to have lunch with Susan Lucci as well! This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and any Soap Opera fan would kill for this experience.
Donated by: Susan Lucci
Terms: Includes: a day on the set of All My Children in NYC and lunch with Susan Lucci. Valid for 2 people, for one year, based on availability
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