All My Children
Stars from the show will appear at the AMC Fan Club Luncheon on September 13, 2009 at the New York Helmsley Hotel in Manhattan from 10am to 5pm. Tickets are $130 per person. To order tickets or for more information go to: www.amcfanclub.com
Bold & The Beautiful
Stars from the show will appear at the 2009 Official B&B Fan Club Event on on August 29 in Los Angeles. For a reservation e-mail: cathytomas@theboldandthebeautiful.com
General Hospital
Stars from the show will appear at the GH Fan Club Main Event in the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys on July 18 from 9am to 4pm. Tickets are $115 for members, $125 for nonmembers. To order tickets, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your money to Debbie Morris, to: GHFC Main Event, PO Box 96737, Houston TX 77213. For more information and a list of additional events, go to: GH Events
One Life To Live
Stars from the show will appear at the OLTL Fan Club Party aboard the World Yacht's Princess on August 15 from 11pm to 3 pm. Guest will cruise around the island of Manhattan. Tickets are $120. For more information on the Party visit:OLTL Fan Club Party
For more information and a list of addtional events, go to: OLTL Events
Young and Restless
Stars from the show will appear at the Y&R Dinner on August 28 at 6pm at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City. Tickets at $145 which includes dinner, tax, tip and a photo autograph book. Mail check or money order to Cathy Tomas,c/o The Young and the Restless, CBS-TV, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Suite #3305, Los Angeles, CA 90036. For more information, e-mail cathytomas@aol.com
photo credit:wsb